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happydolphin said:
Euphoria14 said:

I also saw the demonstration for Sing where the words are on the tablet instead of the TV screen. Now really, how does that make the game any better? It's Karaoke, only this time you have extra crap to hold instead of only needing a microphone. I wouldn't consider that progression.

ZombiU to me looked alright. I liked when he was looking into the tablet and then when he brought it down that zombie was in his face. My problem though is why is it everyone other than Nintendo that is doing somewhat interesting things with the WiiU?

I see many problems in the future for the WiiU, even more so once next gen really starts rolling and Sony and MS bring out much more graphics heavy consoles because let's be honest here... we all know a bunch of devs are making engines tailored to next gen consoles, so where do you think they are going to go?


Also for the record I don't think the Controller isn't revolutionary. I love the thing, but I just think Nintendo is seriously dropped the ball big time.

I don't disagree with you (bold), they did drop the ball. But come on, you'll bring the Karaoke as an example as to why the controller isn't revolutionary. There are so many other features shown by Nintendo and by Batman and ZombiU to show that that was a check on the To Do list (not an issue). If girls want to have fun playing Sing, I have no issue with it, but just try not to show it at E3. Nintendoland, on the other hand, is a disaster. People were getting up to leave by the end of the conference, didn't even wait for the fireworks to end. What a shit show.

Extra crap to hold? Okay, use the built in controller microphone. If Sing devs didn't think of that one, who's fault is it. And even then, what about when you hold a mic and a sheet of paper for lyrics. Whatevs this is a non-issue.

ZombiU isn't just alright, it's a big step in the right direction for immersive use of the controller. Another check on the list. And Nintendo IS doing interesting things with the controller. The MiiVerse will be super handy, the browser will be perfect for showing pics and vids to family. That's all good and they also showed asymetric gameplay (big feature), and some swiping to-from the controller to the screen. it's a pass.

But the bullseye, the 3rd party support, the AAA 1st party titles from Retro, the more adult franchises like F-Zero, Starfox, Smash and Prime, they were not there. THAT's where they failed.

Karoake with a tablet? Sheet of paper for lyrics? Sorry, no offense intended, but have you ever done Karaoke? The lyrics are displayed on the TV screen, so no need for sheets of paper or large tablets. This holds true even for the stand alone karaoke machine I own at home that hooks up to the TV with standard AV wires and have a remote control used to switch between songs. Ever since Singstar on consoles there has been no need for anything other than a mic. If you watch the Sing trailer, they clearly use a Microphone AND the tablet. This is abolutely a step back in terms of Karaoke.

ZombiU is indeed a nice step in the right direction for immersive use of the controller, but why is it Ubisoft getting the job done?


Maybe I should watch it again, but does Mario have online co-op? One of the things that bothered me about NSMBWii was the lack of online co-op. I'm not 13 anymore and have a family, so I don't have the luxury to just invite people over the game on the couch if you know what I mean.

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