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AndrewWK said:
spurgeonryan said:
AndrewWK said:
spurgeonryan said:
AndrewWK said:
Ohh shit I just saw on imdb that MIB 3 had a Budget of 375milll$ :-O that can´t be true

But if itis, the I say Columbia pictures have lost there minds and can´t be saved from doom.

I think that this is including Advertising. If they make 450 million world wide they should be fine. Although 500-600 million would be much better. How in the world did this cost more than The Avengers?

375 with advertising would make sense.

And that was exactly my thought I mean I loved the movie but there where no super Special effects. Maybe it was because of the good 3d.

I heard that The Avengers had pretty decent 3D as well. In fact when it comes to the Dollar show I am going to watch it in 3D. Some companies ( Universal) have the worst budgeting teams. They just throw whatever out there and hope for the best.

It has solid 3D but MIB better.

That numbers sound ridiculous Wikipedia has the budget at $225 million.  I doubt they spend over $100 million on advertising I don't see a lot of adds for it on TV but I don't know about overseas.  At $375 million the movie would have to make $750 million at the box office just to break even since only about 50% of the total gross goes back to the studios.