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A bit more for the thread, found courtesy of pokemonbrawvg:

"- porting current gen games to the Wii U isn’t as easy as originally thought

“(Games made on 360 will be) much easier to port to Wii U than PS3 versions. A lot less headache involved because their architecture is similar. Technically, you can just recompile X360 to the Wii U and it’ll pretty much run, but PS3 to Wii U is much much trickier.”

- latest SDK hardware is final, but the software keeps updating

“We’ve spent a lot of time creating our own tools for the X360 this generation, and we’ve already tweaked a lot of the tools to work on the Wii U. But if you code on the Wii U from ground up and have to use middleware, it’s probably gonna be tougher than doing an X360 game from ground up.”"