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I want to see CoD before I make a decision on how well it will do. If a crappy psp version can sell so well before CoD was at its peak, I wonder how well a fully fleshed out title at the peak(or if you don't believe it as its peak, when CoD is extremely popular) for the vita would sell. With proper marketing, I think it could sell pretty well. I mean, the vita is an attractive product. The hardware is truly beautiful, it just lacks games and I think as for system sellers, cod will be a major factor in its success. Of course, I firmly believe that capcom will release a monster hunter on the vita despite their brief flirtation with Nintendo and GTA will come. Also, FF in its multiple genres and Gran Turismo will have an impact along with GoW and MGS. I think those are the main potential system sellers that are likely to have a sequel/adaptation on the vita. Of course, we m]ust anticipate what has yet to happen(new ips). I also would like to throw that I have been a firm believer that handheld gaming will shrink this gen compared to last gen. So I don't think either console will outsell their predeccessor although the 3ds does look like it is trying to prove me wrong but it still has a long ways to go, no doubt about that.

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." -My good friend Mark Aurelius