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I just don't understand the 8.5mil GT5 prediction for the year. It can only happen with adjustments.

Currently for the year it is at 444k.
Sadly vgchartz doesn't list numbers past top 30 so i can't compare exact dates, but the game was still in the top 30 in Feburary 26th.
From January to end of Feburary 26th last year it sold 730k.             2months  (understandablly high because the game came out recently)
This year from January to end of April it has sold 444k.    4months

Thats already a 300k difference and thats with two less months of sale.

Last year sales of GT5 were 1.78mil. (with those huge initial months)
For GT5 to get to 8.5mil this year it will have to sell 1.5mil for the year. (without any huge months)

1.78-1.5=only 300k less than last year. Considering it is already at least 400k+ behind last year and that is a very conservative prediction it's most likely over 500k behind, I don't see how its suppose somehow get to 1.5mil. SInce last year GT5 got its huge patch along with platnium hits to boost holiday sales, sales will probably be lower these holidays. It will most likely sell around 1.1mil for the year.

As for the games that will make it to 10mil

Everything that already got up to 10mil 

+ modern warfare 2 (needs 100k more) guaranteed

+grand theft auto 4(needs 900k more already sold 200k this year) probably. Sales look like they took a big hit from last year, but it doesn't need to sell much to yearly to get there now.

+black ops 2 (call of duty could decline a bit, but definitely don't think it will decline enough to not get 10mil)

+grand theft auto 5(4 came out when the consoles were quite new, with the much bigger install base 5 should get alot of love)

gran turismo 5 will get to 10mil if GT6 doesn't get released for another 4 years. Less if sales stabalize at 1mil yearly, but we will have to wait to find out if that happens.