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apple our new overlord in the wild digital world, i would hope this would drive their competitors to be more bold, but they do not seem to take the initiative to do so, if only MS or google would force software updates through.

MS looks to be moving boldly in a unification/design direction with the next iteration of their hardware & software, but they are unwilling to force the issue of distribution, and make take the necessary cost hit to force their new ecosystem on the world.

its strange i find my self pulling away more and more from apple, i was and am still a diehard fan, but the hardware i need is no longer offered or updated in a somewhat timely manner, its been almost 3 years for the mac pros, and the gpus/ram on the 17inch macbook pros has not been where it should be i find my self looking outside apple (i built my own tower to replace my aging g5 tower from 03 that had served me well, its a file server now) and as come time to replace my macbook pro now 6 years old i hope to see a refresh that will grab me, as i don't mind paying an apple tax if i can get the right hardware

the moves in the OS area have bothered me to the locking down of the in 10.8 OS, the unnecessary forced obsolescence of hardware from the OS. OSX was from the start vey open and very mod able the use of terminal and access to its unix core, i fear this is headed away as IOS is integrated into OSX, while the move to intel should be celebrated for allowing growth and application porting simplicity. the move form 32-64 in lion to make some intel cpus unable to run the OS was unnecessary OSX had been hybrid 32/64 since 10.2 with the introduction of a special build for the g5, and by its nature was cpu agnostic and could quickly be modified to switch cpus weather it be arm/powerpc/intel i know its well within their rights to restrict this but it would be nice if they maintained publicly the open base (i would place a large bet internally they keep builds going for powerpc)

sorry for my ranting here, just someone who enjoys tech and looks at where the future is leading and for the first time does not seem to agree with a large arch of it, …. and vie been dreaming of touch screen laptops, and desktop setups since 2000 when i played with my first one

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog