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@plezbo Incharted is divided up to allow 5-10 minute plays. Autosave along with pausing to exit into the OS, allow for shorter periods. The chapters themselves are much shorter than you'd see on the PS3. Uncharted GA has sold to over 25% of Vita owners, that is the substantial figure. The 3DS already has a years worth of hardware sales to provide a user base to consume software at a larger number, but 5 million is around that same percentage saturation.

There are plenty of short level titles that can take advantage of the free time people have. Super stardust delta, escape plan, TOM blitz, modnation, wipeout, star drone, touch my katamari, sumioni, even dynasty warriors levels are short. In fact I can't even think of a game that isn't easily bite sized. Uncharted would be the best example for a game that isn't, but as I've said functions well enough to qualify.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(