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darthdevidem01 said:
Mordred there is no way it is increasing domestic.

I expect a Star wars to Empire Strikes Back esque decline for it on the domestic end.

No matter how good a movie it is not as simple as a those who saw "A" will go & see "A-2". TDK didn't just open big but it had beastly legs...while it was a sequel to Batman Begins it didn't perform like one at all...if I remember correctly it even crossed BB's gross within 10 days. Something extraordinary happened was a perfect storm. The movie behaved like a phenomenon. I don't think we'll be seeing that here again.

Your inception argument holds overseas increase could see it beat DH2 marginally. But I expect a domestic decline...should end up between $470-$500 Million.

Now the movie could be the best film ever & re-create a perfect storm making me completely wrong.

On the other hand it could be a spider-man 3 esque disaster (who really ever saw that coming?) & we could both be overshooting it by a lot.

With a sequel to such a phenomenon everything is up in the air.

BTw do you expect Avatar 2 to increase domestic?

Absolutely not o__0.

Avatar is one of those movies that should never have a sequel,just like Inception. Not only will it gross much less than the first because the audience have gotten over the avatar craze,but I bet it will be considerably worse than the first.

And yeah..maybe you're right about TDKR. I get too ahead of myself sometimes..