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But not with anything videogame related.;_ylt=Ak5k6iGpL0WKJHcH8P9cah0jtBAF

Sony develops film-thin display

By YURI KAGEYAMA, AP Business Writer

TOKYO - In the race for ever thinner displays for TVs, cell phones and other gadgets, Sony may have developed one to beat them all — a razor-thin display that bends like paper while showing full-color video.

Sony Corp (NYSE:">SNE -">news). posted video of the new display on its Web page Friday. The display is being held up by a hand that's squeezing the 0.3 millimeter, or 0.01 inch, display, while showing color video of a bicyclist stuntman, picturesque lake and other images

(There's a link at the end of the article to a video showing the new technology)

link: mms://