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The London elections are coming up as well. Less than a month to go now. It's pretty much a two-man race between Boris Johnson (sitting, Conservative mayor) and Ken Livingstone (Labour, former two-term mayor). It's looking like Johnson will win only because people despise Ken Livingstone for being practically a crook (enormous amounts of tax evasion) and sympathising with Arab dictators.

As for France, Hollande is the worst thing that could happen to France. It's already straddling an uncomfortable barrier between free markets and a controlled economy, and Hollande is going to pull it off the fence onto the socialist side and break its neck while he's at it. 75% top tax rates and absurd spending plans. He claims he's going to balance the budget by 2017, but that's pretty much an impossibility. However, he has this election in the bag, so I really hope I'm overreacting here.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective