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Chark said:
PullusPardus said:

I hope so, I just hate when consoles/handhelds/whatever option you play on fails, I support the likes of portables, PCs , Consoles and also stuff like OnLive (which is SCAWY!!! to a lot of people for some reason), and at the same time support Mobile gaming and Browser gaming, because after all , they're all just multiple platforms developers can work on , and all have unique traits that can make unique gameplay mechanics.

tl; dr

I Hope so, I support gaming, because I like this hobby

Is that a Demon's Souls reference? Nice.

Vita is already past the failing point. It had a good launch. People who say otherwise don't know what a failing console looks like.

Completely false. Vita could very well be a failed console, only time will tell. If vita ends up being so unprofitable that sony never makes another handheld, then clearly it has failed, even if it somehow manages to sell 100million lifetime. And similarly, even if it only manages to sell 20mil lifetime but is quite profitable and encourages sony to make another handheld, than its a success.

Personally,  like a few other people, I think the biggest obstacle the psvita has is the fact that everyone has a multimedia player nowadays. While there are plenty of people who bought the psp for games, I would be willing to bet close 50% of the customers bought it as their first multimedia player, that has the added bonus of playing games. Considering the psp's abysmal software tie ratio gaming can't be the main use of every person's psp. Plenty of other consoles and handhelds have been hacked but the psp's tie ratio is in a league of its own.

I don't think the vita will get anywhere near psp's lifetodate numbers. Whether that constitutes a failed handheld depends on whether the vita can be profitable with this smaller but much more loyal userbase, and hopefully I end up being proven wrong, because If the vita gets compelling software I would be very interested in it, but it can only get that software if developers think their games will sell well on the system.