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FFVII: incredible story, gameplay and graphics. Favorite moment: Fighting SEPHIROTH!!!

MGS4: Great story (a bit convoluted), amazing gameplay, graphics and nerdgasmic cinematics. Favorite moment: killing tons of Gekos while watching Raiden fighting Vamp....TOO EPIC!!!

God of War III: The epic-ness is above everything else. terrific graphics, gameplay, and a great story. Favorite moment: The battle with Hercules, best boss fight EVER!!!

Fallout 1: This game brings so many memories. It is just a Masterpiece in every aspect. By todays standards is a bit outdated, but the memories I have while playing the game so many years ago are UNREAL!!! Killing dudes in order to get their armor. Traveling through the wasteland fighting gangs, super mutants, and death Claws. XD

And Finally: There are so many Fantastic games that I think 5 spots are too little.
Legend of Dragoon
Chrono Cross
Fallout 2
Diablo I
Dune 1 (PC)
Shadow Hearts 1
Shadow Hearts 2
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Legacy of Kain Franchise (the story is terrific!!!!!!)