Train wreck said: I dont believe my arguement is silly at all. Microsoft gaming division has been able to grow sales the length of this generation, and even with the black hole that was RROD, their gaming divison as able to contribute to the bottom line of microsoft and now stands as the strongest of the three game makers. Microsoft last year made more money than nintendo did the entire DS/Wii generation, thats a fact. And their position in gaming is only going to get strong from here. The gaming division has pretty much unlimited resources behind it. I guess that the thing most Nintendo fans are afraid with it. resort to this to get a "win." --whatever your say champ. |
I know. That's what makes it funny! Y'see, when someone asks "so who won the NFL last year?" you don't respond "the Seahawks, because their owner made the most money!*" Instead, being a rational human being, you stick to the obvious terms of the question, grit your teeth, and say "the Giants, those overrated, prima donna, led-by-a-Downs-Syndrome-QB bastards!" Or, if you're a slithery person who doesn't want to face reality, you say "my team, because (they improved the most/they toughed it through a hard year/they cleared cap space/whatever floats your boat)."
My favorite part of this charade is that I know you're not really this dumb, but you just must play the Console Warz so hard that you can't conceive of admitting that your dog didn't win this fight. And hey, that's cool. All I ask is that, going forward, you use a bit of subtlely and disingenuity. See the latest post you made? The part where you go "woohoo, my team grew a bunch from last generation, despite RRoD! We winnars!" was a good example of claiming victory in spite of the clear meaning of the question. Do more of that. Twist the facts, obfuscate reality, redefine terms when it suits you. You could even play the trite "hardcore gamerz say my system! rar!" card, although that one's...boring.
The point is that, going forward, we expect much better of you. We here at VGC like our corporate cheerleaders to be both flexible and creative. Alternatively, you could go the Rock_On_2008 route of being batshit insane: that's fun too. But right now, your routine is...flawed. Uninspired. It's terrible, but not so much so that we can all point to this thread a month from now and laugh. We might not even remember it in a month! So please, and I ask this from the heart: do better, or do worse.
*Primarily through non-NFL means of income.