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As a die hard fan of the series i have lamented for the past three versions that they have been practically the same, nothing new actually in terms of gameplay. Pro Evo 2008? Took my first match on highest difficulty settings, played as Poland vs Brazil and won 5-0. It totally blew me off that using the exact same tricks as 2 years ago i scored very similar goals, only that pro evo has prettier animations. Bah.

That's why i'm definitely getting the Wii version. This is the true next step in football gaming for me, at last i'll have full control over not just one player, but a whole load of them. Even if some of the mechanics will be flawed ( i don't think that team AI is going to be very responsive to tell the truth) this version of the game is where the new fun is at. Let me at it. NOW.

Deep into the darkness pearing

Long i stood there


