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I'm just a 360 guy, but I'll do my best for a far comparison between what console does better.

WRPG's: 360>ps3. You got the Fable series, ME1, Divinity 2, Too Human(personally find underrated), Witcher 2 comes out next month and most multiplats run better like Skyrim, Fallout 3, etc.

Action/Adventure, "hack and slash": Ps3>360. Uncharted series, God Of War 3(along with collections), Infamous series. 360 does have some great games like Alan Wake and Crackdown1&2, but ps3 is better.

Racing: 360>Ps3. Forza series and PGR 3&4. There will be Forza Horizon releasing later this year. Ps3 definitely has so good racing games though like GT5, Modnation racers, twisted metal but I just think 360 has more and better racing games as a whole.

Platforms: Ps3>360. Little Big Planets 1&2, Rachet and Clank series. 360 has some great platforms like Mr.& Mrs. Splosion man, Super meat boy, comic jumper, etc, but almost all their best are for XBLA. Ps3 has it beat in Retailers.

TPS/FPS: This one pretty close to call a clear winner. 360 has Halo series, Gears of War series, L4D1&2 and Halo 4 releases this year. Ps3 has Killzone 2&3, Resistance series, Socom series, MAG and StarHawk releases this year. Personally Halo is my favorite franchise so it's a default winner for me, but both libraries and pretty close in number. Some say Ps3 has more shooters, but 360 has better ones. So it just comes down to what you like.

I was trying to be as unbaised as possible and I think most people will agree with my comparison. In the end though Multiplat games have dominated this gen so weither you choose 360 or Ps3, there will never be a short coming of games to play.