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MrT-Tar said:
happydolphin said:

My favorite part of the article is

"In a feature about Nintendo, Nikkei mentions a plan from the company to revive other publisher's titles on the 3DS as part of a strategy to bring new strong titles to the system. The paper mentions Seaman as an example of this, but does not provide specifics."

It was about damn time! At last they get the memo.

I wonder how they convince 3rd parties to make a new installment in a dormant franchise.  The most straight forward method would be through a sort of moneyhat, but I'm expecting it will be through a publishing/marketing deal as well.

Bang on! Though moneyhatting seems a little shallow of a word. Try funding. Nintendo will fund the development of the game as part of a contract, where they're given a share of the returns. The funding would most likely extend to publishing/marketing for sure!

I'm not an insider, so I don't know for sure, but if Revelaitons is any indicator, it sure looks like this.

So Nintendo can say, for instance, instead of funding casual efforts, let's inject money (to a lesser extent but still) in business partners so they can bring in games and IPs we can't come up with ourselves (à la non-jimae-shugi if you know what I mean).