TWRoO said:
They are all pretty old already IMO. Obviously not quite Mario's age but Sonic is 20, Croft is 15, Freeman is 13 and Chief is 10. I don't think they are here to stay in the same way Mario is (Mario own't die until Nintendo dies) but Sonic and Croft will almost definately reach Mario's current age of 30. Chief is very probable too. I don't know about Freeman. He'll definately still be popular but whether there will still be new half-life games then I'm not sure. |
They age and staying power is proof they can stick around. Sure Mario and Zelda kind of have that timeless Disney feel, but that's not the only way to maintain popularity. I think there will always be Half-Life and Halo games. Tomb Raider and Sonic looked to be out for the count, but they bounced back. There's room in peoples hearts for more than Nintendo.