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kain_kusanagi said:
Ajescent said:
kain_kusanagi said:
Ajescent said:
It's staggering the amount of hate Vita is getting not only from consumers but from the journo types. It just seems Sony can do no right.

I don't see it as hate. I think the handheld market has changed and the numbers from Japan are showing that. The original Gameboy was a monochrome portable NES. The Gameboy Advance was a portable SNES. But the DS was not a portable Gamecube and the 3DS is going to look extremely dated compared to its contemporary console counterpart the Wii U. My point is people aren't really looking for a portable console anymore. I don't really want to play console level games in the ten minutes I have waiting in line at the post office. I just want a short fun distraction. I'll play the big games when I get home on my big TV with a comfortable controller in my hand. That's doesn't mean I hate the Vita, I just don't have room in my life for it. I barely have room in my life for a 3DS, which I don't own because I know they'll put one out with a build in second circle pad. I can't even say I'm sure I'll buy one when that happens.  Look, Sony created a sexy piece of tech, but I think fans of Uncharted would have rather Golden Abyss be a PS3 game. If it's good enough to be a PS3 game, why isn't it a PS3 game? If the public isn't looking for a pocket size console they'll stick with Angry Birds and Infinity Blade. That's not hate, it's just how things look to be going.

With that said I don't expect the Vita to fail. But I also don't expect it to sell more than the 3DS or the original PSP. The portable gaming market has opening up and there is a lot more competition out there now. I myself stopped carrying my DS around and instead listen to podcasts or kill time with free stuff on the Android marketplace. All I'm saying is Sony and even Nintendo are going to have to compete with free games and games that cost a buck or two. Even when those games are as brilliant as Mario 3D Land or Golden Abyss.

Everybody assumes that's all the Vita does, "the console in your hands experience." I have a psp and play the "console games there" but I also play the bytesize games as well. Cannon Fodder is a game I come back to all the time.

Dracula Undead Awakening
I must Run

To name a few (God I hate lists) The point is, people need to just look beyond the surface and the PR speel and figure it out for themselves. Sony's PR suck that is why I rarely listen to anything they have to say because more often than not, they will probably say it incorrectly and end up pissing people off half way through.

I'm sure you enjoy the PSP and the "byte size" games. But why should the average consumer buy another expensive machine if they are happy with Angry Birds, Fruit Ninja, Game Dev Story, Apparatus, Line Runner, etc? My point was not that the Vita lacks quick and accessible games. My point was that people already have purchased and use daily devices that satisfy their need for short diversions. The Vita may have those types of experiences too, and the bonus of being a portable console, but if people no longer want a portable console than they won't feel the need to carry a Vita along with the Droid when their smart phone is more convenient and kills time when they need it to. Of course the same can be said of the 3DS, but Nintendo kind of lives off in Nintendo land.

I don't expect Vita sell 1 billion but at the same I don't expect it to sell only a dozen but based on the amount of negativity it's getting, you'd think even a dozen is a tall ask.

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?