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RolStoppable said:
thranx said:
Ajescent said:

It can be argued that Nintendo fans don't do that because the Wii and 360/ps3 don't go for the same kind of games and it can be argued that you see sony fans being negative in the MS section because that's where you mostly reside, I mostly reside in the Sony section and I see fans from all corners critising Sony from all angles, I also see critics from Nintendo fans aimed at Sony handhelds.

Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. 

No fan group are saints, each side has its flaws.

I agree. But since my time here, i think i created an account in 07 and lurked for about a year before that I have seen sony fans as the worst. Not that i think as individuals they are bad people , or even that their ideas are bad or brought up in bad ways, but as a group it seems sony fans rally together all over and must all agree on everything. I often think some are just alt accounts of a few users. But in the few ps3 threads i do go into they can discuss with out much issues from nintendo or ms fans (the only bad ones i remember where the otherOS things). I mainly go to the twisted metal threads as that is a game i love, but you can't find the same for the ms section. Basically everysingle thread is ruined by bickering. I think its more a lack of good moderation where the rules are unevenly applied, I often see users who have a high post count get away with things that they shouldn't and users with low post counts get slammed for the little things. For the most part i try to report what i see as offensive from anyone, even my fellow ms fans. But i have seen the ups and downs in the community and I do remember when the sony fans had it the hardest.

Nintendo fans are the worst, period.


PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?