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pezus said:
Ajescent said:
Zlejedi said:
Ajescent said:
thranx said:
Zlejedi said:

You think other brand fanboys are different ?

Look at what was posted about Vitality Sensor, Wii Music, Kinect core games etc. before their releases ;)

Maybe sony fans just travel to other threads more often. I dont really see a lot of nintendo fans in the ms section constanly attacking or being negative about anything announced there. But I always seem to see the sony fans. I dont really have a gripe with nintendo fans as far as i can tell i can only pick one or two out. This is just what i notice. I am not in the sony or nintendo forum really, just the ms and the the others. But I dont even bother with the MS section any more, really no point as there really ins't any discussing going on there just sony vs ms stuff all the time.

It can be argued that Nintendo fans don't do that because the Wii and 360/ps3 don't go for the same kind of games and it can be argued that you see sony fans being negative in the MS section because that's where you mostly reside, I mostly reside in the Sony section and I see fans from all corners critising Sony from all angles, I also see critics from Nintendo fans aimed at Sony handhelds.

Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. 

No fan group are saints, each side has its flaws.

And let's not forget what was happening in 2008 where Wii was closing to 50% market share and X360 was outselling PS3 in Japan

Anybody remember that preiod where every other day introduced another "Nail in the coffin" thread in the Sony section?

Yes, Sony was supposed to pull out of the console race "soon". Threads like "Why there won't be a PS4", "Is Sony doomed?", "PS3 won't be on the market in 2010" etc. 

But yet, Sony fans are the only one who "warmonger" mind=boggling. 

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?