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RolStoppable said:

Given the software Nintendo had prepared for the holiday season, they needed to cut the price and also this drastically. I am pretty sure that they gave third parties to understand that such or such amount of 3DSes will have been sold by specific dates, so Nintendo had to make sure to meet those goals in order to be able to count on good third party support. This lines up with Iwata's statements from before and after the price cut.

Of course, if Nintendo had been smart, they would have launched the 3DS at $200 with 2D Mario. And had they been smarter, they would have excluded the 3D, because it's proven to be worthless.

I don't think Sony will have been stupid enough to do the same thing as the bolded.

We know 3rd parties love Sony, especially when Microsoft aren't throwing Millions at them... So I see no reason why the Vita will be starved of good games, at least during this 1st Year. We've heard great things from developers and things look quite good right now.

Another problem with the 3DS launch, was that they launched it sooner than they needed to. They wanted something to counter the losses of that Quarter/FY. They could have eaisly kept the DS on the market for a few more Months, it was selling superbly and still had a steady stream of games releasing.

I've always thought the 3DS was planned to launch WW, Holiday 2011. Nintendogs, Layton, Zelda on launch in November... Mario as the big December game with a whole bunch of 3rd party support too. Mario Kart to follow in Feb/March. That's why there were few big releases leading up to the Holidays.

Follow that strategy and the 3DS would have been cheaper to produce on launch, they could have kept the $250 launch price (now with even more profit) for a longer period of time due to great games being available and the DS would've still been bringing in huge profits up until the Holidays.