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Now before you laugh and say "The lowest amount possible" and act like it's a stupid question...

How much do you want the Wii U to cost being realistic about the features it would have at that price.?

I personally, think that $300 would be too cheap and wouldn't be possible for what I want the Wii U to include. I also think that $500 is too much $ for me to afford. So my price is $400. I want the Wii U to have enough of a graphical leap from the PS3/360 to be noticed easily but it doesn't have to be like from the PS2 to PS3. I also want the Tablet to be able to produce nice graphics and be able to go online kind of like an IPad.(0bviously not as fast) I want it to include built in games that come packaged with the Wii U but not a real game like Wii Sports was.