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This should be fun. Imagine you were teaching an Intro to Videogames course. It is a survey course where you assign 10 titles as "Required Gaming".

The only rules are that you must include at least 1 PC title, 1 Handheld title, and 1 Arcade game. Also you cannot have more than 2 games in the same genre (platformer, shooter, etc.) Your list should be a mix of differnt titles and span several decades of gaming history. Explain why you picked the games on your list. Go!

My list would be:

1) Pong - A great place to start and a very fun and simple game.

2) Tetris (Gameboy- Handheld Requirement)- Most addicting game ever. Perfectly portable.

3) Street Fighter II (Arcade Requirement)- Its the grandaddy of all fighting games and still great to fun to play.

4) The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time-  should be on every list anyway.

5) Jade Cocoon- I wanted something more obscure and its a decent JRPG.

6) The Sims (PC Requirement)- A unique style of gaming. Shows customization and puts player in control.

7) Halo 2- the best way to introduce modern FPS's I was thinking about Goldeneye or Halo CE but Halo 2 wins because it has online.

8) Grand Theft Auto San Andreas- Best exemplifies open world gaming IMO. Social satire. Not crap like GTA IV

9) Wii Sports- Shows off simplicity and creative ways games can interpret real life.

10) Rayman Origins- Ridiculously good level design. Great Art direction.

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