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Aldro said:

Oh and also,
Going into this game, my expectations as a GAME when speaking mechanics and how fun it is (because I did know the story a tad like I said) were skyrocket high.

I had heard SOO much about Snake eater. I was like YEAH, Big Boss! Gonna be some insane showdown with The Boss, and my god, encountering Ocelot (Which was such a fag.. XD) would be insane! (I did like how Eva throws you the gun towards the end and you quickly fire over and over).

I was expecting some insane CQC action, perhaps even flashbacks to how The Boss and Big Boss became to be. Instead we were told about their relation in a similar way to Obi-wan and Anakin in Episode 2 & 3 which made their relation ultimately feel shallow. Yes it wasnt to THAT point and I could actually feel the characters. But if I may overexagarate, that's what I kinda' felt.


I guess I was expecting the game to blow me the fuck away and be the best game ever. Instead I was underwhelmed and feel like it was my least favourite MGS because the story was so important that I somehow had to grasp it in order to live with myself XD. This is probably the first time that Hype has hit me so hard.

I don't get this bit. You had a choice of discovering the backstory by

1. Reading about it in massive slabs of text and carefully researching the ridiculously convoluted world of Metal Gear or

2. Playing MGS3

You chose 1 first and followed it up with 2?

It sounds like you kinda ruined the game for yourself.

Anyway, MGS3 was probably the most emotional game I've played. I think it really signifies a point where the story really started to mature as we were finally discovering the motivations of major characters. The gameplay was also a significant leap from 1&2 adding in extra elements such as the camouflage that found its way into MGS4.