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Seece said:
For goodness sakes Michael calm down. If you'd read the thread, (and the dozen others) you would know we're tracking EXACTLY the same regions as we were before, they're just being split up. Canada will have it's own sales, as will others.

This site already offered a lot of FREE data (please bare this in mind) so you should be grateful you got it as long as you did (PS2 sales).

So Canada will be included? When and Where? The region is marked USA now, and in an article about Wii crossing 90 million hardware sales inexactly 5 years, they have Canada as not a main region. This makes no sense, how can EMEAA be a region, but North America cannot? Canada should be a part of americas sales like before.

As for PS2, I track sales on my computer, it's going to screw up my annual sales not having the last month of data for PS2. I used to make quarterly articles, still do, but because I'm lazy I never put them up (VGC has text limits per post).

Also it's annoying, if I go to 2006, why can't I see PS2 data? PS2 was one of the best selling systems at the time. For 2011, no big deal, but for 2006, really?

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