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let's see, starting from March 23rd

at launch:

Motorstorm (1st party, I have paid some extra for DLC)

Blazing Angles (sold a few months later)

soon after:

Resistance Fall of Man (1st party, traded in some games for it, now sold)

Virtua Tennis (traded in some more games for it)

Rainbow Six Vegas (now sold)

Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 (now sold)

borrowed Heavenly Sword, probably would have bought it (1st party)

Pro Evolution Soccer 20008

Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction (1st party, although Insomniac are tecnically independent)

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

borrowed Assassins Creed, will buy my own copy shortly

Uncharted Drake's Fortune (1st party)

Lego Star Wars; the Complete Saga

The Eye of Judgement (1st party?, bargain, nearly half price, mostly bought for the eye)

So overall, I have bought 12 games (my brother also has two of his own, orange box and tony hawks) borrowed 2, one of which I will buy the other I probably would have anyway, 6 1st party games, 1 bargain, and I have sold 4, although I am getting Folklore for free soon (my friend accidentely got an extra copy)