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snakenobi said:

Kantor said:

The phrase "blind faith in science" makes no sense. Science is based upon rationality and experimentation.Everything is assumed false until there is evidence of it.

sure but that does promote bragging about something false which will be proved right in the future

it also promotes fear and panic like the global warming.

And if more evidence proves a theory wrong, the theory is modified or replaced by a new theory. Science's willingness to change is its greatest strength.

yes but what is life about being scientific,just about chase of more knowledge isn't it?

On the other hand, religion is a fixed "truth" which was somewhat believable 2000 years ago,

no its not,thats ignorance aka blind faith in knowledge

all religions are not the same.if you really read a bit more on pantheism you wouldn't have said that

with the meagre science that we had, but which quite often contradicts actual scientific evidence (creationism contradicts evolution;

creationism of what,this universe or makind

thats you thinking all religions are the same

the Bible has no dinosaurs; the world is 3 billion rather than 600 years old, and so on) which has been more recently discovered.You are putting your faith in somebody who claims to have seen god (who has of course done no such thing), who hasn't really done any research, and who, to be honest, probably hasn't even read the Bible in any detail, judging by what the majority of Christians seem to preach.

exactly that whats wrong.

but i wasn't trying to put faith in people but an understanding between science and religion(the right kind)

I would gladly put my "faith" in the consensus of research scientists who analyze and question everything, but not in a pastor or imam or what have you who tells me that I am going to hell for believing in evolution or some such thing.

no religion on earth says that you will go to hell believing in evolution

Global warming isn't fear or panic. It's legitimate worry about a real (though overblown) problem.

Science is, indeed, about the chase of more knowledge, either until the end of humanity or until we discover everything (which will probably never happen).

I'm arguing primarily against the Abrahamic religions here, because together, their followers make up a good half of the world's population. But if you insist, I also don't believe in the idea that a monkey (Hanuman) killed a man with ten heads and set fire to his city as part of a grand plan hatched by a shapeshifting man who, at one point, became an elephant. And yes, I do realise that Hinduism is metaphorical. A literal interpretation of it is even more ridiculous than a literal interpretation of Christianity.

Why don't I believe in it? Because I don't want a god (no matter what his form) who doesn't necessarily exist to instruct me on the moral way to live my life. I would say setting fire to an entire city is pretty immoral, but the Ramayana seems fine with that.

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