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I agree with him, kind of.

I don't feel like I'm ready for the next generation yet, I'm expecting the next Playstation or Xbox to go on sale at least a full year after the Wii U and even then I still don't think I will feel ready for the next generation. If you look at the consoles from a technical standpoint, his statement is true. Nintendo is only just getting the features and technology the PS3 and the Xbox 360 have had for years. As for the graphics, I'm only guessing here but I think the PS / Xbox gap compared to the Wii U will be pretty large, not as big as it has been this generation but still big enough.

It's not as if this will automatically make the Wii U bad, but you aren't going to get that "wow" factor you normally get when you buy a brand new next-gen console.

Is it technically a next-gen console? Yes.
Will it probably feel like one? No.