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There's something wrong with the American government. Corporate lobbying has reached worrying levels. Warren Buffet doesn't pay enough tax (and happily complains about it, assuming that everyone else is a billionaire too). Too much is spent on defence. Some reform is needed.

How to go about fixing this:

1) Form a coherent movement

2) Think up a nice name that doesn't conjure up images of anarchist hippies.

3) Appoint some leaders who represent your movement

4) Draw up a sensible plan, or even a manifesto, which you think will solve the country's problems

5) Start to campaign and advertise

6) Hell, maybe run in an election or two.

How not to go about fixing this:

1) Start occupying the financial district. Name yourself after this occupation

2) Chant empty slogans like "We are the 99%!"

3) List problems without proposing solutions

4) Be a horribly disorganised "movement" with no leaders

5) Claim that you are following in the footsteps of Martin Luther King (right, the subhuman treatment of black people is totally the same thing as low short-term capital gains tax rates).

6) Say you represent 99% of the country when you do no such thing. At the same time, alienate anyone in the 1% (those who run the country) who might support you. Two birds with one stone.

7) Try to spread your silly little movement worldwide so that we in Britain have to deal with it, because we don't have enough nonsensical protests.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective