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Weekend Report: 'Real Steel' Wins Middleweight Bout

Real Steel fought its way to the top of the box office this weekend, though its debut didn't quite reach heavyweight levels. The Ides of March was the runner-up with a standard George Clooney opening, while Dolphin Tale and Moneyball continued to hold well in their third frames.

Real Steel scored an estimated $27.3 million, which tops Rocky IV's $20 million for highest boxing debut ever (though it obviously lags in estimated attendance). It was also the second highest-grossing opening for a sports drama behind The Blind Side's $34.1 million. Still, Real Steel had an average start for movies involving robots, and even wound up behind A.I. Artificial Intelligence ($29.4 million). According to distributor Walt Disney Pictures' exit polling, the audience was 66 percent male and 70 percent under the age of 35, and the movie earned a strong "A" CinemaScore ("A+" for the under-25 crowd).

Read the rest of the report here.