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Actual numbers

1 N The Lion King (in 3D) BV $30,151,614 - 2,330 - $12,941 $30,151,614 - 1
2 1 Contagion WB $14,548,433 -35.1% 3,222 - $4,515 $44,260,524 $60 2
3 N Drive (2011) FD $11,340,461 - 2,886 - $3,929 $11,340,461 - 1
4 2 The Help BV $6,513,039 -27.0% 3,014 +79 $2,161 $147,439,793 $25 6
5 N Straw Dogs (2011) SGem $5,123,760 - 2,408 - $2,128 $5,123,760 - 1
6 N I Don't Know How She Does It Wein. $4,402,201 - 2,476 - $1,778 $4,402,201 - 1


Lion King > $30m!!