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Shinobi-san said:
Runa216 said:
Joelcool7 said:

Not trying to insult you. I'm just trying to give you some friendly advice and also get this offensive thread closed. Its not that I have anything against you as a user or writer. I just think that in this case you over stepped the boundaries and should probably take responsability for that action.


Okay, I only read about half this post, (the first half and the last couple paragraphs), but I want you to do one thing for me: Explain to me how questioning someone's beliefs is in any way offensive.  you keep assuming this thread is offensive, and that I'm stereotyping but All I've done time and time again is ask people to offer supporting evidence to their claims.  There's a lot of "God is this" and "Heaven is Real" and "These are the divine rules" claims being thrown around, all I'm asking is one thing: Prove it.  

If people are going to keep making bold claims, they're going to continuously tell people "this is the truth", I expect them to back it up with conclusive or at least supporting evidence.  Only one person in this entire thread has even attempted that (well, maybe two or three, but only one did so respectfully and in a manner befitting of the respect I offer him).   

Instead you're just proving one of my greatest criticisms of religion:  they can dish out the criticisms and "we want proof" attitude when dealing with science, but when that same burden of proof is turned to them, they are not only unable to deliver, but also hide under their veil of "Don't mock my faith" and we're left with yet another situation where you can't be honest with religion because it's considered taboo to question faith.  

@Runa216 I think you missed the entire point of Joelcool7's post(s) didnt really have much to do with religion, but rather about the nature of the topic in relation to the forum rules. Also this is not about being offensive or non offensive (although you have been offensive in some posts but thats not the point), this is about creating a thread to bait a specific group of people. And i think Joelcool7 is write on the mark here, but hey you didnt even read hes entire post.

I also dont believe staff should be treated differently from normal users, however its a bad reflection on the site when staff do things thats generally not promoted on the site.

Unfortunately for joelcool, he doesn't write or enforce the site rules. I would judge that many moderators have seen this thread, myself included, and judged that it is not flamebait or trolling.

If you feel otherwise, report and move on. If we could trust users to moderate each other, we wouldn't need a moderation team.

So, get back to discussing whatever weak vestiges of the intended topic remain and stop discussing moderation. The latter, interestingly, is against forum rules.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective