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LordTheNightKnight said:

Motion controls are not a gimmick. We've seen plenty of game sell well with them applied right. And the loads of gamers that have made motion gaming a hit are too numerous to ignore unless you are a fool. Yeah, I'm calling Nintendo foolish for ignoring those gamers and refusing to make the kickass Motion Plus games for the Wii that they should have been (where is my Motion Plush hack & slash/beat 'em up that harkens back to the glory days of Golden Axe/Double Dragon?*).

Nintendo dropped the ball, and I'm skipping their next console**. But Sony has a chance to pick it up. Harai (I think it was him) made a great statement in admitting it's the consumers that made the Playstation brand.

Move hasn't sold that well because it's just trying to retread the ground that Nintendo already laid (that and the toyish controller design which should be redone). But with the PS4, they can start fresh. There are plenty of games that could have made the Wii sell double the NES instead of 50% that it may likely finish. But Nintendo, again, refuses to make them. If Sony did make those games with the PS4, they would become the king of the mountain again (I demand my motion controlled hack & slash/beat 'em up!). Just don't let it get to their heads once again  (no PSP3D!).

Of course they should retain the regular Dualshock for games that work better on it. But continuing the winning path that Nintendo abandoned will still be a winning path for Sony (MOTION CONTROLLED HACK & SLASH/BEAT 'EM UP!).

* You think those games wouldn't be hits? Imagine God of War where you get to swing the blades yourself.

** Unless they first pull their heads out of you-now-where and make those kickass Motion Plus Wii games.

Sony released  a beat 'em up that does exactly what you're saying.  It was 2D too.  It didn't use move but used the camera to put you in the game.  It's just awkward kicking sideways and punching sideways.
