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Dinomax said:
I can say this now, are you happy now hardcore gamers?

I admit I acted like the so called ""hardcore"" gamers here to make fun of them. Because while they moaned and bashed there skulls against the keyboards saying Nintendo was killing gaming, it was all in fact the opposite.

Nintendo was bank rolling and keeping this industry healthy, do you really think Sony or Microsoft who lose billions of dollars are able to carry this industry now? Who can't even come up with their own ideas? You think third party's are going to save this industry? How long till Call of Duty runs out of steam?

Now you got a system that caters just for you and Nintendo is returning to obscurity. Thanks a lot, I loved getting games like Punch out and New Super Mario bros, but now we are returning to N64 ports and boring 3d games.

Waaah waaaaaah waah.

I want you to explain how it's all the "hardcore" gamers fault why Nintendo are in such a hole right now. How can it possibly be for example, my fault, that Nintendo don't release anything worth buying for the first 9 Months of the Year and interest in the Wii dwindles? How is it my fault that the big guys at Nintendo are too stupid to understand that core Nintendo gamers aren't the ones who are wanting these so called "hardcore" games, but games that appeal to the family? Games like New Super Mario Bros.?

Seriously. Wii gamers actually were wanting Nintendo to stick with the Wii and release these "hardcore" games for it. "Hardcore" gamers were all over Nintendo sites BEGGING for Ninty to release games for them. You know what they got instead? Wii Play Motion. lol.

How is it my fault that Nintendo released the 3DS way too early, priced way too high and with the only games worth buying either remakes or ports?

Alsooooooo... Micorosft's EDD profited over $1 Billion for the FY. 360 is having the best Year since it released. Sony, while they aren't making a profit... They're still keeping at it and selling really well. Selling lots of 1st party AND 3rd party SW. Not neglecting owners of the console for 9 out of the 12 Months.

I'll answer your "copying" bit in this seperate part.

- Donkey Kong copied Space Panic as a platformer game. Nintendo did not invent platform games.

- Sidescrolling platforming Mario was copied from Pitfall!! and Jump Bug. Nintendo did not invent sidescrolling platform games.

- The was the first touch screen gaming handheld. Nintendo did not invent touch screen gaming.

- Motion controls were first introduced on consoles by Sega with Samba di Amigo and the Sega Activator, before them it was something frequently used in the Arcades. Nintendo did not invent motion controls and were not the first to bring it to consoles.

- The first 3D platforming game was not Mario 64, it was Alpha Waves on the PC, the first on console was released on the PS1 and it was called Jumping Flash. Nintendo did not invent 3D platforming on consoles.

- The Vectrex was the first console to use an analogue stick. Nintendo did not invent the analogue stick.

- The first force feedback controllers were found on the PC, Nintendo popularized it on the console, but they didn't invent it

Watch this video here - - to see how innovative the Wii U controller is.

It's also really funny how Sony copied the analogue nub on the original DS, that was put onto the 3DS.

Right. I think I'm done with that post now. OT:

Not surprising at all. Wonder how low they will actually end up going to.