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M.U.G.E.N said:

1. what's with the 2291? random or hidden meaning?
2. Looks like you're a big fan of VC..did you play VC 2? what you think of it?
3. Favorite pornstar?
4. sounds like you are happy with psv and what it offers. what would you like to see from Sony on the next home console?

edit: nvm about Q 1 :P looks like you just answered it

1. -
2. I didn't. I refused to buy a PSP for the only game worth buying ON the system. Valkyria 3 isn't looking likely to be localised neither. Fingers crossed for a VC Collection!
3. Don't really have a favorite. There's way too many! Emma Mae is pretty hot though... NSFW Link here. People now think I'm all pervy and stuff though!
4. Interesting.

Make it affordable.
Have a good launch (First Year) lineup. Don't leave it 2 Years for a big exclusive game.
PSN continued to be free, but with a greater selection of PSone/PS2 Classics.
PS3 b/c
Me = happy

RolStoppable said:

Of course, the first episode was... rough. But despite, or rather because of all those flaws it was interesting to read.

Don't forget that Episode 2 was handled by darth who has the habit of postwhoring and for every update to the original post he made an additional post in the thread.

Episode 3 lacks both of these benefits.

Meh, it kept me busy for 10 minutes writing the answers down. I'm happy to "help", I suppose.

badgenome said:
You've been pretty vocal about being happy that Sega is out of the hardware game. Do you think they might have put VC2 on the PSP and refused to bring VC3 out of Japan altogether just to revenge troll you?

Yes. Fucking SEGA. Shenmue was ass and Sonic is Mario's bitch.

Yeah, I went there.