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RolStoppable said:
I didn't know that Suikoden 2 was on the Saturn. You learn something new everyday.

Speaking of which, this is my question to Carl: Do you miss amp316 too? I haven't seen him here lately.

Sony are the reason SEGA died. I refuse to believe any other made up reason. Sony 4 Lyf.

And yeah, amp316 was great. Had one of the best avatars too. A lot of great members have left recently, amp, Smeags, noname, Ollist... Just to name a few. It's kinda depressing :/

badgenome said:

You should change your sig, but only if you replace it with a gif of your girlfriend. I'm curious now!

(Smeags... )

Check your inbox, tell me which one I should choose. Some are NSFW so I didn't post them here!

sethnintendo said:

"On another note, it looks like Nintendo are abandoning that brought so much success with the Wii. They're totally leaving the 'ease of use' mentality that made the Wii so successful with the expanded audience and unless I'm mistaken, it only supports 1 WiiU controller. What? Do they realize how much this will affect the 'party' audience Wii thrives upon?"

I just wanted to know how the hell is Nintendo leaving the 'ease of use' mentality when the Wii U will support up to 4 Wiimote+? I understand perhaps one being upset at only 1 WiiU controller per console. However, they are not abandoning the party audience when there is still the Wiimote+ controller options. I view most games will be developed to work with CC/CCP, Wiimote+, Wiimote+/nunchuck, and the WiiU controller. That gives the developer at least 4 different controller options.   I love how people like to bring up the only 1 WiiU controller per console while ignoring that there will be more controller options available than any other console at launch.

Sad to see Smeags gone.  He was truly one of the best VGC members.

The Wii Remote offered more versatility than any other controller ever. It was designed that way, and it worked. The Wii and Wii games were then built around this control scheme. It was cheap, easily adapted to and literally anyone can point at a screen and press a trigger/waggle. The Wii U is abandoning this and going back to a more traditional controller. Ish. It's bigger, bulkier and has a touch screen.

Also, just because the Wii Remote is optional, doesn't mean developers will use it. It's optional for a reason, not a necessity like the U Pad itself is. Add in the points that the majority of games are going to be PS3/360 ports that already support a more traditional control, a key feature of the Wii U is being able to play using only the controller, no TV needed to be on... And that the Wii U screen/controller will also be used to impliment new features, points towards Nintendo leaving the ease of use. In other words, Nintendo are giving the finger to the older (50+?) Wii userbase. Judging from what I've seen so far, I think Wii U will struggle to do half the numbers Wii did, IMO.