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oniyide said:
menx64 said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
this is GREAT news! more games for us..and some laughter too! :P

that depends... If/once Just dance flops on both PS3 and 360... 

Why would that be funny?? A lot of people expect it to flop on those consoles especially on PS3. Look at it this way, Just Dance is like COD but in reverse, it just shows that what is valued on Wii is different on HDs 

Reverse in what way? If you mean the target audience then I agree, not value. They are both highly targeted games, one mainly for males and the other mainly for females. I don't think the female audience is as big in the HD consoles as it is in the Wii.

oniyide said:

There some games on HDs that simply cant be done on Wii due to limitations, at least not properly. Hell look at Dead Rising for a perfect example. Not saying it was total garbage, but was not close to the original one on 360. Im not saying all of them, but if your making games from the ground up on HDs, most of the time the Wii version will suffer. GTA4 & Just Cause 2 would not be able to be on Wii

If they would have made a Dead Rising game from the ground up it wouldn't have been a disaster. But they decided to re-skin RE4 into DR... that doesn't work. So if you are making games from the ground up on the HDs, you'd do the same for the Wii, not halfass it and blame the audience afterwards.

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