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Wondering what the vgchartz community prefers

Online Pros
More convinient
More players able to play at once
More modern games available with online multiplayer than local multiplayer
Full TV Screen to yourself
You don't necessary need friends who also want to play the game.

Local Pros
More personal
A more social experience, since you aren't going to be playing with anyone you find annoying unless your friends with someone you don't like?!?
No lag or connection issues

For me, I enjoy local multiplayer more, simply because it means I'm actually hanging out with my friends while playing. I never get frustrated with local play like I do online relatively often. While sadly local play doesn't work with many PC games I play due to input device restrictions, all my favorite multiplayer console games have local play. I still love online for the convinence, but mainly for me thats the only big pro of online over local.