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BEST: with out a doubt it goes to Sony(including both first party and IP owned titles) and NIS(A): they work so had and practically release everything here in the states like they do in Japan(unlike some company...I'M LOOKING AT YOU NB!!!) with major bonuses for just buying the game

worst devs: Square-Enix: I think S-E is working on way too many projects at once thus the reason why its taking so long for them to produce titles: we've waited 5 years for FF XIII and probably wait 6-7+ years for FF XIII Versus & FF Type-0...don't get me started on a KH3...we get 3 side stories and a remake?...really S-E. And on top of that have been ignoring your fans a remake of FF7 ever since 2007. though I will sound hypocritical, S-E needs to take a step back and see that they have other titles than FF and KH where's grandia 4, radiata stories II, Xenogears II, Vagrant Stories II, Threads of Fate  II, another chrono game? get Tri-ace to do another SO or VP(seriously...why hasn't S-E bought them yet?) S-E needs to go back to popping out titles like the PS1 gen or atleast bring those fanchises back, you guys are sitting on a goldmine.

Namco Bandia: I have never seen a company try(and maybe successfully) kill one their greates fanchises: Tales of Series. I mean we didn't get any of the DS games, only one PSP game, Nothing for the PS3(outside Japan and before the confimation of Tales of graces F) a somwhat incomplete version of Tales of Vesperia, release nothing but crappy to sub-par games(tekken 6 was a disaster)in the wset and then wonder why your profits are so low and then say "we're putting are focus Japan" like you ever gave a sh*t about the west. You've pissed me of big time NB, but it seems your getting on the right track...but you have a long ways to go.
