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I bought a ds, and hated it. I kept playing my gcn, and then the wii came out. I got the wii and loved it the first year an a half. I also began to appreciate the ds. Post e3 2008, I lost faith in Nintendo. I saved up my money and was going to buy a ps3, but backed out at the last second and bought Guitar Hero WT (worst decision of my life lol). I then saw the dsi, punch out and excitebots and regained faith momentarily, but decided against purchasing two of the 3. I began to want a ps3 again, and finally I bought a ps3 in August 2009 because I wanted a phat instead of a slim because it looked cooler. Now I am planning on getting a psv or 3ds.

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." -My good friend Mark Aurelius