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Nintendo started a cultural initiative in Spain, involving their latest handheld, by approaching well known photographers with the 3DS. First to jump in was Joan Fontcuberta who described 3D photography "a pioneering achievement since the Polaroid or digital technology". Others like Txema Salvans said "there's no doubt that photography is also a game" when he saw the editing features. All these artist came together to form "Dimensions", the first exhibition of professional photos taken with a console, it is currently shown in Arts Santa Mónica (Barcelona) until the 29th of May and Nintendo will help rotate to other cities soon.

Snaps taken by Ouka Leele, Joan Fontcuberta, Manuel Queimadelos, Txema Salvans and José B. Ruiz

Website - Source


Another way to market the 3DS, were artists used the 3DS for a glimpse of what future 3D photography can be.

EDIT: Adding website

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