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Unfortunately, the Scottish people would never vote for such a thing. Really, the only reasons that the SNP won this election are that:

  • People wanted a way to protest the Conservative-Lib Dem coalition (Scotland is disgustingly left-wing)
  • Labour is a joke under Ed Miliband

I'm not in favour of independence, but I'm not strongly opposed either. On the plus side, Labour would be destroyed as a party and we would stop having our entire country ruled by a minority of Scottish Labour MPs. On the other hand, we have a lot of military bases and the like there - though Salmond says he would be willing to share military facilities with us.

Also, the final decision rests with the Westminster Parliament and David Cameron, not with Alex Salmond, but if he wins his independence referendum, Cameron can hardly deny him independence. It's worth noting, however, that not even a majority of people voted for the Scottish parliament, and the most recent figures in support of independence stand at 28%, with 57% opposed. Granted, that was a year and a half ago, but it still seems quite unlikely. Scotland can't survive without funding from the UK Parliament.

On a related note, in support of an English Parliament: Newsnight found 61% in England, 51% in Scotland and 48% in Wales agreed with the idea.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective