Rainbow Yoshi said: I keep on thinking I'm ready for sex... |
So you think you're ready for sex? Look over this checklist to make sure:
1) Do you have a willing partner that has given consent and expressed interest? Have you agreed on a fair price?
2) If yes, do you have appropriate protection? If its someone you know well you would probably be okay with your fists, if its a random online sex hookup I suggest bringing a small knife or at least a shiv.
3) Do you have an appropriate excuse to explain why you finish after only 2 mins? If not I suggest you think of one.
4) Do you have an excuse as to why you will never want to see that person ever again after its over? If not I suggest you think og one.
5) Last and more important, do you have a Marvin Gaye CD?
If you said yes to all of these questions then you are ready for sex. Enjoy the smell.
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