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sapphi_snake said:


This is what's called "false premise". There's nothing rational about it, and that's because that information is simply not true. Of course you don't understand rational arguments so...

To them it was true, and it was the most rational thing to do.

Rationality doesn't change. Something isn't rational because most people say it is. Something is rational if it fulfills all the necessary conditions. You should read some philosphy or rhetoric books. Hitler didn't appeal to people's reason, he appealed to their emotions and their prejudices. He had no rational arguments.

The point of rationality is the that people get the best possible soulution out if it, But what one person think its the best way of thinking to solution, the other might differ. And thus if you beleive morals are subjective so are rational thoughts. Rationality is a tzpe of correct thingking, and when it comes to thinking every person has diffrent view on doing so.

I think you ashould actually read Weber's theories. You obviously have misunderstood him completely (not to mention that he's in no way the supreme instance when it comes to rationality).

Ugh, what the hell? How did I misunderstood him. I used him as an example to show that there are more types of rationality,and belief value system is one of them. What is there to understand? Its not a rocket science.

Read books about rationality. Actually read them, and you'll find out.

Why dont you tell me if you know?

Give me a rational, absolute, reason why staying a virgin 'till marriage is a good thing.

Well, I hardly see what this has to do with our discussion, but it makes your first time a lot more special and better, especially if you beleive in that moral on yourself.

Morals are man made. Everything regarding human culture and society is man made, including religion and the deity you worship.

We disagree, there is not way to know this. Lets end it there.

Rules of logic aren't individual. He was a delusional paranoic person. His premises were all false, and his beleifs were irrational. The morals that you talk about are those who have a basis in rationality, but most morals don't.

He sure was some delusional paranoic person to convince over 60 million people to follow him, huh? He had his way of rational thinking and logic. His version rational thoughts to the solution of the jewish problem and his idea was widely accepted back than.

False until proven otherwise.

Actually, it hasnt been proved false so you cant call it false. Give me evidence of God being false, than I ll believe you