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Nsanity said:
snakefisher said:

do people believe for a second that when sony has a price drop ms wont follow suit straight away?

It helps them sleep better at night so let them believe what they want.

What makes people think that Sony will drop price first? lol

1. They're currently outselling the 360 WW. 400k for the Year so far... Despite MS blowing a fuckton of money during the Holiday season on Advertising/Kinect.
2. Sony are currently profiting from PS3. They need that profit, after the losses they took in previous Years.
3. The last official, major 360 Pricecut was in 2008 while the last official PS3 Pricecut was 2009.

There is no reason at all for Sony to cut price before Microsoft. If anything, MS will be forced to cut by the possible Wii cut, as it will affect America/Kinect.