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kowenicki said:
justinian said:

So 8m Moves controllers sold to retailers.

Because move is so fragmented it is hard to get the overall picture.

In total how many PS3 eyes are out there? Obviously more than 8m as you need it for move and I bought the Eye ages ago.

Then again how many homes have two controllers? Impossible to tell.

Is anyone buying the navigation controller?

I suppose as long as the retailers buy it Sony are happy enough but it would be good to have an idea on the PS eye and navigation controller sales.  Not really important but still good to know.



This will always be the problem with MOVE...  8m units... is that of all individual types?

So 8m cameras, controllers and navs?

Probably about 4m PS3's  enabled?  

I use the 1.5 ratio, so I would say 5.3 million. Assuming all those 8 million are sell-through (which they aren't). Also I believe when they say move sold, they typically mean the wand.