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sapphi_snake said:
homer said:

I am not well versed about slavery most likely due to poor edumacation here. My ancestors did own slaves though. There is very little religious tolerance. In fact not that long ago, there was a mosque being built around where I live, and people burned a ton of its equipment. Homophobia is the norm where I live. Religion is a humongous part of culture, seeing as I am in the "Bible Belt". The south is full of Democrats btw. The difference is (at least in my state) that we vote democrats for state/county/city positions(governor,mayor, etc.)  and Republicans for federal positions(senators, president).

Can you explain why this is?

And did they seriously burn the equipment? That's illegal!!!

It is literally how I said it.We vote dem. locally, and  republican nationally. I have no idea why, but we do lol.(at least we do in Tennessee). Also, yes, people burnt the equipment which was illegal.

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." -My good friend Mark Aurelius