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Sales Discussion - EMAA up - View Post

Metallicube said:

Wii is doing respectable considering it has basically no games right now. PS3 is doing ok, but lest we forget, it is available in more markets in EMAA, so it's almost automatically going to win every week here on out, thus is deserves to be judged more harshly IMO. The question will be by how much will it win EMAA each week.

Sony are actually brainy you see.

They release games all Year round and don't blow an entire load in the last 2 Months of the Year. They give 3rd parties reasons to develop for the console. They actually push the PS brand to as many people as possible. It's obviously paying off.

As for the Wii, it's always had long streaks with nothing worthwhile releasing. It's just now people are finally starting to realise it. Nintendo's own fault for blowing the load in the last 2 Months of the Year, and not getting 3rd parties on board. With the 3DS out, expect that Wii support to become much, much worse, and for the Wii to keep dropping...

Here's to PS3's best Year yet. I hope you will enjoy it just as much as I do, Metallicube.