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MrBubbles said:

i didnt mind phantom menace...  

whats-his-face that plays anakin in 2 and 3 drives me insane with anger.  i want to reach into the tv and grab him by the throat and smash his head on the ground repeatedly while strangling the life out of him. 

and then have a stern talk to whoever decided to cast someone in the role with absolutely no acting talent.

and fyi...return of the jedi was the best film

You have good taste in your Star Wars movies, sir!  Jedi > Empire > Star Wars!

The prequels don't even rank, they just ARE rank... the only positive outcome of those films was that it gave us the epic trilogy of reviews by, which instantly made up for the $8 or so I blew on each film.

Lucas is just mad that James Cameron 1-Upped him in the visuals department with Avatar and the subsequent push for 3D technology in films, so of course he wants to cash in on the latest fad by re-releasing the prequels and re-RE-releasing the originals with probably even more crap added in or changed.

They'll probably make a bazillion dollars at the box office of course, because you've got the diehard fanboys that will see each film about 5 times just to prove what hardcore SW fans they are, then you got people like OP who grew up with the prequels and think they are awesome because of all the "epic" lightsaber duels and TEH POD RAAAAAAACCCEE!!!!1111ONEONE11!1, and then you'll have a whole new generation of brats who've never even seen a Star Wars film and will once again have The Phantom Menace as their first-ever exposure to the world of Star Wars.

I pity the youth of today... I really do.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.