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even though i don't own a wii or like the direction nintendo took with it. I am a nintendo fanboy for sure. Other then this gen and a playstation 1, I've only owned nintendo consoles. 

For me its a tie though

JRPG- 360 wins lost odyssey

WRPG-360 wins Fable

FPS 360 wins Halo 3

Driving- 360 wins Forza, though i prefer Need for Speed Hot Pursuit to GT5 and Forza.

TPS PS3 wins Uncharted 2

Action- PS3 wins God of War 3

Platformer- PS3 wins Ratchet and Clank

Sandbox- PS3 wins Infamous 

Stratagy- PS3 wins Valkyria Chronicles

Anyone mind posting the votes since I would rather not vote for either.